Statistics about your Litmind profile

Discover how many times your photos were seen, who liked them, click counts, visits, views and much more.

November 2019

Filter by dates and get complete charts from the day you signed up to better understand the way your profile performs.

Check out the number of times your photos or your profile appeared on listings or on search results.

Discover which photos from your portfolio got more likes, views or clicks during a certain period.

Check the stats for a specific photo from your portfolio, and also the list of users who liked them.

Also, you can navigate through detailed statistics about:

  • New followers and lost followers.
  • The visits your ads receive.
  • Your castings: Discover how they're performing in realtime.
Check out now your statistics

Upload videos to your portfolio
You can now add your videos, reels, fashion films and other video creations to your portfolio on Litmind, and they won't show any ads
Multiple profiles
Now you can have multiple profiles on Litmind connected at the same time, and switch from one to another quickly. Ideal for multifaceted artists.
Organize your private chats
Now you can keep your chats organized and find them in a glimpse with the chat search.
Create PDFs with selections of models
Send photo moodboards or model selections to your clients or to your team, or print them.
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